Inspirations & Influences

Though it was mentioned briefly in the previous blog post, Avrielle and I have found other films and even shows that we want to use as inspiration for our obsessive artist trope.

Show, The Queen's Gambit (2020):

The Queen's Gambit is one of my favorite shows. It follows the story of Beth Harmon, the obsessive chess prodigy. We are using this as inspiration for the harmful habits that both Beth and Clair fall into in relation to a niche hobby they love, chess for Beth, and piano for Clair.

Movie, The Black Swan (2010):

The Black Swan is another one of my favorites. This suspense, crazy, twist-filled film was a shocking insight into the obsessive artist trope, this time with a ballerina. The main inspiration from this film is how the opening is purely a suspense-building performance, before it gets into the plot, which is what we are planning only with flashbacks. 

Movie, Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash follows the harmful habits and obsession that the main character falls into as a jazz drummer when he joins the band of an abusive teacher. We loved the camera work used in the Whiplash opening, with the J-cut and then slow worms-eye trailing toward the main character. 

Movie, The Menu (2022):
Surprisingly, we found that the Menu showcases the obsessive artist trope in a way that we want to take inspiration from. We loved the eerie, off-putting, suspense-building ambiance that the film had throughout, and if our film was a full-film, we would want to adopt a similar ambiance. 
