The rough timeline

Avrielle and I have created a rough timeline of our filming and editing process in order to make our April 15 deadline. The most essential issue we face at this time is where we will film. We are currently waiting to hear back from our school's theatre department to find out if we can use their stage to film since they have a piano. Attached below is a photo of our shared Google calendar for Clair for March and April, subject to change.

If hard to read, here are the dates:
March 1: Finalize venue
March 8: Film performance scene
March 9: Film flashback scene 1
March 16: Film flashback scenes 2+3
March 23: Film flashback scenes 4+5
March 24-30: Spring break/ Editing week 1
April 1-5: Editing week 2
April 8-11: Final touches
April 12: Finish!
April 15: Film due!
